Make money selling records on ebay

make money selling records on ebay

Knowing what to pay when you search out records to buy is important, too. Of course I’m not against testing records. Just because an album hasn’t sold for much in the past, doesn’t mean you won’t be surprised by a bidding war. Ask them what they are generally looking for, and keep your eye out those things. Just make sure you state in the listing that grading is visual. No matter that back in the day I enjoyed blasting I Wanna Be Sedated or Anarchy in the UK to the point that the neighbors were complaining, I do NOT want to have to listen to 50 plus record albums to see if they snap, crackle, or pop. To succeed at selling, it takes a little more than just a quick description and post.

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Hi, I would like to know how to make money selling stuff on ebay? Does anyone here know or ever tried selling on ebay? What slling the first thing I should know to start selling on ebay? You can really get expert advice. Have you always wanted to start your own EBay business? Are you excited and ready to start your business, but your not sure how? Learn how to make money selling on eBay, online, today.

Why Are Vinyl Records Still Popular?

make money selling records on ebay
It also helps you to keep your home decluttered! With two small children in the house, we certainly have a steady churn of abandoned toys and baby gadgets…. Going back several years, eBay has long played a part in my ability to make money from home. Is it easy? No, not really.

Go for it. Show this post If you’ve got those sort of committments then forget it — keep it as a small time hobby — don’t lost interest — but get out there and earn the money to keep your kids comfortable. For one thing, are you considering records that you already own, like records that you have collected over the years? Message 17 of Community Home Sign In Register. Unless you have years of experience on knowing what sells where and what make money selling records on ebay AT ALL — thing long and hard. Email This BlogThis! Regional Groups. Use cruciform record mailers. Nathaniell What’s up ladies and dudes! The first thing I thought when I realized that the records probably had value I’d sold a dozen or so of my own on Craigslist several years ago before I started selling on eBay— selling them as a lot of Patti Smith, or a lot of Runaways, etc was that I was going to get someone’s old scratched up record back as a return. Message 4 of Have you ever tried or thought about trying to sell vinyl records? It costs the seller to use this service but it is so much easier for the buyer and encourages them to spend money it does me, anyway!
