Ultrasound technician make good money

ultrasound technician make good money

Most hopefuls pursue quicker certifications that pay well and take less time. Anaheim and Irvine are the most affordable areas in Orange County, while California offers the top ultrasound salary in the country. After being hurt and not able to perform my job, I have been considering a career change to sonography. The person in the middle would earn the median wage. Bureau of Labor Statistics: U. Gosh no! June 25, at pm.

Salaries of Ultrasound Techs

Ultrasound technicians use ultrasound technology to examine the health of organs as well as developing fetuses in the womb. They play a crucial role in aiding doctors with diagnosis and treatment of medical problems, and help to ensure the health of the mother and fetus during a pregnancy. To become an ultrasound technician, it’s necessary to study human anatomy and receive training in using ultrasound technology. If you want to know more about how to become an ultrasound technician, keep reading. If you’re considering becoming an ultrasound technician, focus on science, health, and math classes in high school. Ultrasound technicians study human anatomy and help doctors diagnose and treat medical problems, so you’ll also need to work on developing good communication skills.

Education Requirements

ultrasound technician make good money
Respiratory therapists work closely with patients who have difficulty breathing. Diagnostic medical sonographers, sometimes called ultrasound technicians, use sound waves to produce images that can be used to diagnose many different conditions in many parts of the human body. Although both careers require the same level of education — a postsecondary certification or associate degree — sonographers tend to make a bit more that respiratory therapists. As of , the U. Geographically, high salaries for respiratory therapists are concentrated in the Northeast and the Southeast, while those in the Southeast tend to earn the lowest salaries. As with respiratory therapists, high pay for ultrasound techs was geographically concentrated in the Northeast and West, and low pay in the Southeast. With an expected expansion coming in the health care industry to keep up with increasing demand, the job outlook for both medical sonographers and respiratory therapists should be excellent.

Ultrasound Tech Salary — Diagnostic Medical Sonographer Income & Job Duties

Pay for Respiratory Therapists

People, and why do want to get into Ultrasound profession? Most sonographers start out in general sonography before specializing in one or two areas. I had my clinicals with some people from Stanford Brown school, and their scanning techniques, more the knowlegde of medical stuff didin’t ultrasound technician make good money anyone at the medical site. One of the advantages of being an ultrasound technician is having the security you will tfchnician able to have a comfortable salary with the flexibility to find a job in most places in the United States. What type of employer pays the highest ultrasound salary? You will not make anymore money having a bachelors. Indeed Community. Her articles have appeared on numerous business sites including Typefinder, Women in Business, Startwire and Indeed.
