How to make money as social media manager

how to make money as social media manager

So cool that you LOVE your job. In fact, in the beginning, your business plan should be a one-pager that lays out business goals and how you plan to meet them. Many entrepreneurs new to the industry try to be a generalist and apply their skills to a range of platforms, but this makes it much more difficult to brand yourself and stand out in the sea of other social media managers. Include a message that resonates with your target customer.

How Much Does a Social Media Manager Make?

One online side hustle that seems interesting to me is social media consulting. I know of several people who are making significant part-time money by being a social media consultant for businesses and blogs. And some have even turned their social media gigs into full-time jobs. You can work as an employee but if you freelance, or build a social media agency, your income is unlimited! For most of us, our time on social media is a time sink, not a money maker.

How Do Social Media Managers Make Money?

how to make money as social media manager
Our number one goal at DollarSprout is to help readers improve their financial lives, and we regularly partner with companies that share that same vision. Some of the links in this post may be from our partners. Social media managers, as you might have guessed, are responsible for managing the social media accounts of a businesses, celebrities, and other entrepreneurs. In most cases, large businesses hire full-time social media managers to work in house. They might even have an entire department dedicated to social media management.

How Do Social Media Managers Make Money?

You could even niche down to the platform you want to concentrate on. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. In fact, p osts that carry some form of visual content such as a photo or video have better engagement than a post that is just text. You have to be tech-savvy and know the methods that work best to be successful, so gaining experience through internships or freelance work managsr good advice. Because if you are going to create an online presence for your client you must be able to show them that you know what docial. There are several areas of social media management that you can concentrate on.
