How to make money by selling pallets

how to make money by selling pallets

I will pay you for them and i will pick them up how many and what size. Also, I know of two local businesses in our small town alone that give away wood pallets. This site might be a good place for you to find buyers for your pallets. In my local area, there were several listings for free wood pallets on Craigslist. Some of the best places to find used pallets are stores and businesses that sell large items or that need large supplies to create items.

More Ways to Make Money with Used Wood Pallets

Not only do you help the pallets stay out of the landfill, but the business is easy to manage as either a full or part-time endeavor. Your first requirement is a truck or other vehicle with room to transport pallets. You may want to build walls on the side of your vehicle to transport joney pallets each time and save on the cost of gas from repeat trips. You also need plenty of space to repair and stack the pallets in preparation for selling. How to make money by selling pallets warehouse managers or business owners at local stores and factories that receive supplies or products on wood pallets if you can remove the old pallets free of charge. In addition, check classified ads in your local moeny and on Craigslist to find free pallets businesses want removed. Determine a schedule for removing monej pallets based on the needs of the business, such as how often they get shipments of merchandise or supplies.

How to Start a Pallet Company

how to make money by selling pallets
You know those wood pallets you find at work or you see near dumpsters of local businesses or homes? And, there are about 1. Some businesses may also want them to save money instead of buying new pallets. Selling used wooden pallets can become a business venture more than just side income if you dedicate yourself to the process. But, this information can get you started in your business so you can start earning cash quickly.

Making Money Selling Dumpster Pallets and Scrap Metal on the Curb

Getting Started

They might want to purchase the pallets you get for free. It is possible and doable and makes for a great low effort business model. Because the weight of the products can be so heavy, many of these pallets break under the pressure. It looks for the most common pallet hlw, like 42 x 42 and 48 x 42, but you can always bring other sizes there and see if the company has a need for. Many recycling services how to make money by selling pallets offer lower rates for pallets in bad condition—and some will pallets pay you mke that they can turn them into mulch. You can do what other pallet recycling companies are doing and buy used pallets, repair them and put them back into circulation at a savings to both the purchaser and to. Thinking outside the box can help you to take full advantage of the money-making possibilities when it comes to wooden pallets and plastic pallets. Contact them on the phone or in person and tell them you can offer wood pallets. Wooden pallets are one of those things. Determine a schedule for removing the pallets based on the needs of the business, such as how often they get shipments of merchandise or supplies. Your first requirement is a truck or other vehicle with room to transport pallets. Any busy manufacturer would require fifty to hundred pallets per week. There are a number of pallet brokers that could be a viable option for you as a pallet recycler. Typically, they will require that you unload and sort the pallets you bring in, as well as providing picture identification. The costs to start recycling wood pallets can vary.
