How to be a partner with youtube to make money

how to be a partner with youtube to make money

Continue Reading. According to this recent study by influencer marketing platform Klear , YouTube videos are, on average, the most expensive type of sponsored content brands can buy from influencers. Want to make the most of every dollar? Freelance Contributor. Fortunately, established media companies are well aware that they need to pay for what they use.

Turn your video hobby into a serious side hustle or lucrative career

For many video content creators, YouTube’s Partner Program has made it possible for them to turn a hobby into a lucrative career. The more views your videos get, the more you earn. Of course, YouTube doesn’t make it possible for just anyone with a channel to start earning money from ads on their videos. Here’s what you need to know about the YouTube Partner Program and how you can increase your chances of being accepted if you decide to apply. Simply put, the YouTube Partner Program allows eligible YouTubers to monetize their video content by displaying advertisements.

Ways to make money in the YouTube Partner Program

how to be a partner with youtube to make money
Each feature has its own set of eligibility requirements on top of subscriber and view count requirements. If our reviewers believe that your channel or video is not eligible, you may not be able to turn a specific feature on. These extra thresholds exist for 2 main reasons. The most important one is that we have to meet legal requirements in every area where the feature is available. Then, because we want to reward good creators, we need to make sure we have enough context on your channel — which generally means we need more content to look at. Keep in mind that we constantly review channels to make sure your content is in line with our policies. Once you’ve been accepted in the YouTube Partner Program, you may get access to these monetization features:.

How To Become A YouTube Partner As A Small Channel

How to make money on YouTube

Be as detailed as possible when creating a title, description, category, and tags. For example, you can do a review in exchange for a free sample of the product. You negotiate directly with the brand, and they pay you directly. Here are some ideas for how to get more of those precious YouTube views. Share Pin Email. Okay, ad revenue is the most obvious way to make money on YouTube. Pro tip: You might have more ideas for merch than you can possibly stock. Video marketing is an excellent way to promote your home business.
