Making money leis for graduation

making money leis for graduation

This Post is Brought to you by:. It turned out great. Let one person fold the bills, another person wrap the rubber bands, etc. Article Summary X To make a money lei, first figure out what bills you want to use based on a lei with flowers.

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Of all the gifters, about 55 percent are handing over cash to recent graduates. For those completing their college education, this can be a particular boon. Collecting cash gifts can feel like a major windfall and victory for grads leaving campus with their diploma, but it also triggers a question: Should you spend or save graduation money? While you could go on a shopping spree, buy a car or treat yourself to a vacation, there may be some better ways to use your graduation money. Here are five smart ways to spend your graduation money that could put you at the head of the class financially:. He believes building an emergency fund should take priority over other ways to use your graduation money.


making money leis for graduation
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2. Pay down some of your student loan debt

By taking a cue from the above tutorials, you can learn how to make a flower-shaped money lei after which you can join them in the design of a crown. To create this article, 13 people, making money leis for graduation anonymous, worked to edit and improve it over time. How to Maiing a Simple Money Lei. I did that for the other side as. Reply 9 years ago on Introduction. When you have learned to make a lei with money, you need to give it the right shape for a heart-shaped lei. Google Loading
