How much money do commercial real estate appraisers make

how much money do commercial real estate appraisers make

If I want to surf until 9am and skip the drive to downtown LA for a face-to-face hoorah meeting, I choose the former. Enter an executive or company name. Certified residential appraisers are in higher demand and may charge more for their services.

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Most MAI appraisers are self-employed, although the banking industry, particularly large regional and national banks, hire staff MAI appraisers as appraisal reviewers. For more information search The Appraisal Institutes’s web site. All Rights Reserved. The material on this site can not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with prior written permission of Multiply. Hottest Questions. Previously Viewed. Unanswered Questions.


how much money do commercial real estate appraisers make
Usually they are not effective on the time usage, less day off per week, per month or per year. Not enough money to be rich for papa mama operation. Just enough to be comfortable or suitainable living. You pay for your own expences, gas, ect. It takes at least 2-years and hours of field work. You must train under a certified appraiser or General certified not a Lic.

Pay Difference by Location

Residential appraisal trainees must complete a licensing training course and obtain a trainee license before being considered for appraiers. Potential trainees must seek out a licensed real estate appraiser who is willing to supervise their work. Some licensed appraisers require trainees to pay an upfront fee as compensation for the initial training period. Most salaried jobs are for tax assessors or appraisal reviewers, though ewtate are some positions for field appraisers.

Independent fee appraisers perform the majority of appraisals for conforming mortgages, refinancing or home equity loans. Post-housing crisis financial reforms require the use of unaffiliated appraisers for most mortgage aplraisers.

Independent appraisers are paid per job. The higher level of income goes to appraisers who have trainees or standard appraisers working for them, or live in areas with large numbers of expensive homes.

A certified residential appraiser must have at least 1, hours of experience as an appraiser and pass a special licensing test.

Certified appraisers are in demand for appraisals of any size for use in legal proceedings connected to a mae, estate or tax litigation. Certified residential appraisers are in higher demand and may charge more for their services.

How much money do commercial real estate appraisers make law, appraisers are not allowed mucb base their fees on the estwte of a home. They compensate for this restriction by having a square footage surcharge set to the approximate size.

Although they command a higher-than-average salary, independent fee appraisers are responsible for all of their expenses. On top of these base expenses, the appraiser still needs to pay for supplies, marketing, utilities, workspace, self-employment taxand automobile expenses.

Appraiser training course companies paint rosy pictures of easy money and high incomes for real estate appraisers. The reality is that the work is time-consuming, rezl the top earnings belong to people who work long hours and are good at running their own business. Career Advice. Purchasing A Home. Real Estate Investing. Your Money. Personal Finance. Your Practice. Popular Courses. Compare Investment Accounts.

The offers that appear in this table monsy from partnerships from which Investopedia receives compensation. Related Articles.

Partner Links. How to Profit From Real Estate Real estate is real—that is, tangible—property made up of land as well as anything on it, including buildings, animals, and natural resources.

It is gained by working and making investments.

However, there is only so much time you could work during a day. See you on the other side! Great experience, poor long-term career path except for a handful of owners. Interested in the career of a Real Estate Appraiser? But of course, you would need to do the math to see what would make sense in your particular situation.
